Boosted Conversions by 50% [Case Study]

Boosted Conversions by 50% [Case Study]

Industry: Virtual Service Provider [Case Study]

Business Outline

Niche market company offering virtual assistant solutions that provide automated customer care with a human touch.


Without a designated home for all the eBooks, videos and articles that the company produced, content marketing was more complicated than it had to be — not only for the marketers at the wheel, but for visitors consuming the content too.

Since much of the content lived behind landing page forms, it was spread far too thin in a disconnected content experience that didn't facilitate further content consumption or natural lead generation.

As more content was pushed out, it became necessary to decide where to put it in order to maximize the potential of everything they published. There were two options available: Spend time and resources to build a content hub in-house or find a comprehensive content marketing solution.

They needed a content hub that offered:

  1. A single branded destination for both their content and those who consumed it.
  2. An alternative way to gate content within the experience without relying on interruptive landing pages.
  3. Seamless integration with their existing HubSpot marketing automation.


After speaking with a Hub specialist who was "more of a consultant than Sales person", the marketing team was able to integrate our ready built Hub solution with their existing HubSpot marketing automation without much help from their developers.

With the Hub in place, landing pages weren't the only way to convert visitors anymore. Now the Hub's easy-to-apply contextual Overlay CTA was leveraged to tease their premium whitepapers and case studies with less intrusive forms. Leads were now able to be collected without forcing visitors to exit to a landing page.

The Hub was also able to:

  • Gate content within the experience with easy-to-apply and less interruptive Overlay CTAs.
  • Strategically organize content streams around events, research and specific categories to better target their ideal buyers.
  • Simplify content marketing processes by directing their attention on a single location.
  • Upload PDFs as Flipbooks to enrich whitepapers and eBooks with other media to deliver an interactive experience that looks good on any screen.


By integrating the Hub solution into their content marketing strategy, the company:

  • Increased conversions by 50% over 90 days (compared to the same time period in 2013).
  • Increased overall traffic by 5% to content.
  • Extended the shelf life of all content—from videos to blog posts to Tweets.
  • Simplified conversion tracking for easier attribution of content ROI.


"Our sales team loves it. Their prospects are converting through our email and social marketing, and consuming multiple pieces of content on each visit." - Dan Fox


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About the Author

Hub Business is focused on bringing your Hubs and Marketing Strategy together as one cohesive team. Hubs integrate all your content — from social media to videos and blog RSS — into one centralized and organized front-end experience.

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