Boosted Page Views by 473% [Case Study]

Boosted Page Views by 473% [Case Study]

Industry: IT Company [Case Study]

Business Outline

A cutting-edge IT company that combines an array of advanced services and expert technical resources with a far-reaching supply chain that is able to provide industry players with the solutions and support they need.


An outdated resource centre, no longer relevant to their current audience. While it was recognized that updating it would allow them to transform their marketing strategy, they needed a solution that could be implemented quickly and easily. Limited internal manpower, content that was being created by several different departments with no central hub, and an increasingly mobile audience made for specific challenges they had to address.

They required a solution that was:

  1. Easy to implement and maintain without the need for additional resources.
  2. Able to aggregate all of their content into one spot.
  3. Customizable so they could feature what their audience was most interested in.
  4. Integrated with their marketing ecosystem (Marketo).


Within a few short weeks, an up-to-date resource centre was launched, powered by the Hub platform. With this highly scalable solution, the company was able to:

  • Create a resource centre that automatically updates as new content is published, alleviating the need for a dedicated resource.
  • Ensure that the entire content experience was mobile-friendly.
  • Segment the content within their resource centre, creating custom streams around education and healthcare; two topics that resonated most with their audience.

In addition to revamping their own content, they also created a second Hub that allows them to curate content from key partners.

According to Andrea W, the company’s Digital Marketing Manager: 

"this allows us to quickly increase the volume of content available to our audience while sending more traffic to our partner - a win-win scenario for everyone."


The IT company was able to revamp their resource centre with minimal effort and time spent. Their Content Hub was responsive so it was accessible via any device and integrated within their Marketo ecosystem. In addition, the marketing team now has complete control over the experience without the need for IT.

As a result, they were able to:

  • Increase page views by 473% across their resource centre and double the number of white paper views with the Flipbooks feature.
  • Increase traffic to and engagement within their resource centre.
  • Improve engagement through customized content streams that align with audience interests.
  • Generate more leads with contextual Call-To-Actions.
  • Understand how users were engaging with their content so they could better optimize for engagement and lead generation.


Empower Your Content, Get Results!


About the Author

Hub Business is focused on bringing your Hubs and Marketing Strategy together as one cohesive team. Hubs integrate all your content — from social media to videos and blog RSS — into one centralized and organized front-end experience.

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