Decreased Cost-Per-Lead by 71% [Case Study]

Decreased Cost-Per-Lead by 71% [Case Study]

Industry: Business Management [Case Study]

Business Outline

Software company in the end-to-end business management industry for service-based businesses.


In the past, this company relied heavily on outbound tactics such as cold calling and online paid channels to acquire customers. This was in the absence of a content team while their Marketo marketing automation was in a state of disarray. They sought to pull off a content-driven turnaround.

They needed a content marketing solution that offered:

  1. A single destination for all of their content to live and their people, processes and partners to work in unison.
  2. A way to generate more qualified leads from their content to hand over to their Sales team and a simple way to gate premium content for lead generation.
  3. An easy way to organize their content along with the ability to make changes quickly.
  4. A system to track how contacts engaged with their content from the top of the funnel all the way to when they were handed off to their sales team.
  5. Seamless integration with Marketo for their content strategy to work in tandem with their marketing automation.


With a tight deadline of 3 weeks to launch, they was able to easily import all of their existing content, from blog posts, videos, and premium PDF guides from their Drupal CMS to the Content Hub.

In that time they also managed to connect their existing Marketo ecosystem to their Hub to sync all the new contacts they generated with their marketing automation. They were able to make the most out of the Hub to:

  • Streamline their content marketing by focusing their marketing team's attention on their process, Hub and integrations rather than working in silos.
  • Gate premium content within their Content Hub experience with easy-to-deploy, less interruptive Overlay CTAs to tease and qualify more leads from their visitors.
  • Organize content into contextual streams around specific topics to better engage and target their buyer personas.
  • Convert customers with content and work hand-in-hand with Sales more effectively.


Since using the Content Hub platform with Marketo, they were able to turn their marketing strategy around with content.

Within a year they were able to:

  • Decrease the cost per lead by 71%
  • Decrease their cost per acquisition by 49%
  • Cut lead generation spend by over 60%
  • Leverage inbound marketing to drive 95% of closed deals virtually eliminating the need for cold calling.
  • Triple inbound lead volume
  • Increase unique visits to their Hub-powered blog by 1,600%
  • Outpace paid acquisition channels with organic leads by an 11:1 ratio, whereas paid leads to organic leads was previously at a 5:1 ratio.
  • Secure 50% of upsell and cross-sell opportunities driven by content and marketing automation.


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About the Author

Hub Business is focused on bringing your Hubs and Marketing Strategy together as one cohesive team. Hubs integrate all your content — from social media to videos and blog RSS — into one centralized and organized front-end experience.

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