Intelligent Content – The New Face of Content Marketing

February 25, 2015 Kobus Van Den Berg

The New Face of Content Marketing - Intelligent Content

So, the principle of Content Marketing success is built on?

Well – content of course!

But what kind of content should you create, and how should this tie together?

These are important questions!

Just as you find various types of marketing, there are also different approaches to Content Marketing – and each yields a different result. Now you ask, what form of content marketing has proven to deliver the most successful results?  

It is my experience, that at the heart of successful Content Marketing lies structured storytelling – these days more commonly referred to as Intelligent Content.

The purpose of Intelligent Content is to get your most profitable buyers to Know, Like & Trust you – so that you can start to grow them ten-fold.

Intelligent Content Marketing as a Structure

This illustration shows the basic structure of Intelligent Content. This functional structure is without a doubt the most successful form of Content Marketing available today!

Intelligent Content Marketing Structure













Image: Intelligent Content Marketing Structure

When dissecting the diagram, you will find that your content structure should ideally consist of certain key elements. Including –           

1) Hook or Offer

This is your premium content piece which would usually be in the form of an eBook, Guide, Template, Webinar, etc. And it should directly address your buyer concerns by offering a niche solution or perhaps, step-by-step guide to solving a specific and pressing issue.

2) Blog Posts

Once your premium content piece (hook/offer) is ready to go, it shouldn’t be too difficult to break it down into digestible parts. Each of these secondary pieces or blogs can potentially focus on a topic that would address a pain point. (Keeping in mind that it needs to be relevant enough to tie directly back to your premium content piece.) Always be sure to optimise each blog for SERPS and remember to include a clear Call-to-Action (CTA) where your buyer can gain access to the full eBook in exchange for their contact details (*details are exchanged if content is gated).

3) Social Media Posts

Once again, you can break each blog post into snippets which will entice your buyer to ‘Learn more…’ These blurbs can be shared on your social media pages. In this instance, you will need to include a link with each Social Media update, pointing back to the relevant blog post with your clear CTA and opportunity for conversion.

4) Conversion Page

A conversion area (a.k.a. Landing Page) is without a doubt the key to Content Marketing success. Without it there can be no conversion. The objective of this area is to collect your buyer details so that they now form part of your nurturing sequence, where you will move them from marketing qualified leads (MQL) to sales qualified leads (SQL) and turn them into happy customers, all the while building sustainable ongoing relationships. All your CTA’s, from all your channels (blog, website, PPC, and so forth) need to point to this page. You may only have one chance, so be sure that your conversion pages and capture forms are optimised to gain the needed results.

5) Nurture Sequences

Great, you’ve successfully captured a prospect’s details, now what? Now the focus shifts to moving them through the buyer lifecycle and working on converting them into loyal customers. To achieve this end, you will need a collection of well planned mailers and follow-up sequences in your armoury, all aimed at delivering the right information to the buyer at the right time until the desired result is realized.

PRO tip: Incorporate visual content wherever possible as this has proven to boost results and conversions.

There you have it – a simple recipe to build your Intelligent Content structure, creating a new, sustainable and manageable foundation for successful Content Marketing.

Congratulations, you are officially one step closer to crushing your growth goals!

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