Leveraging the Power of Intent Data to Supercharge Sales Enablement

May 11, 2023 Kobus Van Den Berg

In the rapidly evolving world of B2B, the concept of intent data has gained significant traction over the past few years.

Today, we find ourselves amidst what experts refer to as the 'generation 2.0' of intent. However, according to industry insiders, this is just the beginning. 'Intent 3.0' is already on the horizon and the potential of intent data is set to reach even greater heights.

But what impact will intent sources have on Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies moving forward? Let’s take a closer look!

Intent 1.0

Intent 1.0 was characterized by early adopters in marketing and numerous vendor offerings. The primary focus was marketing-related, specifically targeting ads (1-to-many) and demand generation. During this period, it became evident that third-party sources showing account level intent was able to offer tangible benefits, as even marginal improvements could yield significant results.

Intent 2.0

With the emergence of Intent 2.0, the sales organization became an integral part and differentiated intent strategies were introduced. The distinction between various intent sources also became apparent in an aim to improve sales efficiency & productivity.

Salespeople play a vital role as the true 'personalizers' in go-to-market (GTM). Their outreach efforts create valuable meetings and opportunities, but sales teams require precise data to effectively engage, i.e. the actual people showing intent. This is why third-party account-level intent data isn’t working for intent 2.0, and the disparity between intent sources is becoming increasingly evident.

Every GTM team must find a balance between their need for insight and their need to act. Without actions, there can be no improvement in outcomes. This becomes particularly crucial during times of economic challenges. The key lies in maximizing productive actions while minimizing unproductive ones, and insights play a pivotal role in achieving this.

To ensure agility and responsiveness, a GTM team must find ways to expedite access to insights.

The sales team requires near real-time access to changes within their assigned accounts. The marketing team must stay informed about shifting dynamics that impact targeting, messaging, and positioning and since the product and product marketing teams significantly influence the downstream, it is crucial for these members of the GTM team to have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information. Consequently, each of these three groups necessitates access to intent data to dynamically refine their strategies on the go. It is precisely this evolution in intent usage that has shaped what is now intent 3.0.

Intent 3.0

Intent 3.0 aims to improve the speed at which marketers gain insights that can impact their outputs. As departments within the GTM team align in a value chain, any gaps in slow or incomplete insights negatively affect downstream team performance.

Intent data plays a vital role in pipeline health, acceleration, and substantial sales productivity improvement by providing clarity on the account's buyer's journey. First-party leads often contain false positives and are insufficient in quantity, leading to high levels of lead abandonment among high-velocity teams.

Account-based intent data alone cannot solve this challenge, and second-party leads-based intent lacks volume. To differentiate between false positives, false negatives, and real buyer's journeys, a GTM team needs to augment first-party leads with various second-party signals. This includes incorporating different types of lead signals and opt-in person-level signals on the same topic, originating from the same account and members of the buying team.

To maximize the potential of an intent source, companies should consider all possible use cases throughout the GTM process. When committing to an intent-driven strategy, consider seeking sources that offer valuable insights into a critical portion of your Total Addressable Market (TAM) and evaluate their applicability beyond marketing campaigns. These sources should meet the needs of revenue, product, and strategic teams.

Predicting buying cycles is the ultimate objective, as it involves combining data with the art of storytelling. Understanding the natural fluctuations in research patterns is essential when piecing together buyers' intent. One crucial factor to consider is self-service buying journeys, which are favoured by two-thirds of prospects.

Serving prospects with valuable content at the right time is key for brand engagement, affinity, and higher conversion rates. Accessing intent data from multiple sources empowers practitioners to ascertain their stage in the customer lifecycle and the type of content they are consuming, enabling them to deliver tailored content that addresses specific problems with precision to the appropriate customers.


While intent data takes the spotlight, its effectiveness relies on a well-rounded framework that encompasses data collection, partnerships, activation, and system integration. Intent data serves as a crucial component of modern marketing campaigns, but its success is contingent upon a solid supporting structure.

When utilized effectively, intent data can be an invaluable asset, driving marketing strategies forward. By implementing strategies to leverage this data across the organization, its benefits can be harnessed indefinitely.

About eMSDigital Group

At eMSDigital we believe in doing what we love and loving what we do. This is why we empower our clients daily with the tools, strategies, and guidance needed, to prepare their business for the future. Our passion to help amazing brands prosper - together with our award-winning solutions - has earned us a reputation as a leader in all things ‘digital experience’. If you want to be the envy of your competition, need help moving your B2B business online, or have any questions about creating the perfect digital experience for your customers, we’re just a click away :)

About the Author

Kobus Van Den Berg

Kobus van den Berg is the visionary founder of eMSDigital Group, a global B2B 'Enablement' powerhouse driving revenue growth, elevating CX, and revolutionizing buyer-seller engagement since 2010. Inspired by his wife and son, Kobus is a firm believer in the power of doing ‘good’ business to the benefit of all parties involved, as he strives daily to pursue the elusive balance between work and life. Kobus is a dedicated Espresso enthusiast and master mead-maker, with dreams of retiring on a family wine farm to keep himself busy with the finer things in life.

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