Your Business Might Soon Become a Square Peg in a Round Hole! [The Future of The Internet, Metaverse & Web 3.0]

May 19, 2022 Kobus Van Den Berg

We began engaging business on the importance of ‘digital transformation’ over a decade ago, but never in our wildest dreams would a ‘science fiction’ future have been as close as it is today…

Yet, here we are. On the verge of the internet being reimagined - and organizations need to be ready for what comes next!

We cannot stop it, nor can we hide from it. The future of the internet is already, effectively, in the making.

Driven by #Metaverse and #Web3.0 innovations, there are an abundance of virtual worlds being created (both for business and consumers) which are sure to deliver an experience that will blur the line between digital and physical.

The next generation of the internet will also not bear the constraints that our current systems are designed for.

Instead of viewing the internet as an unrelated collection of websites and apps, metaverse efforts foresee an immersive three-dimensional (3D) environment - with its own sense of place - where moving from work to a social platform is as simple as walking across the street.

Web 3.0 is built upon the core concepts of decentralization, openness, and greater user utility. Not only does it represent the next phase of the evolution of the web, but its ability to bring about disruption - and an even greater paradigm shift than seen with Web 2.0 - is unavoidable.

The impact of this scope of change will transform how business interacts with customers; how work is done; what products and services companies offer; how they make and distribute them; and how they run their organizations.

Make no mistake. Behind this cloud of uncertainty, there is tremendous opportunity. The last time the internet went through a shift of this magnitude, companies like Amazon, Netflix and Google rocketed to internet titans. And now, the stage is set for the next dominant players [in every industry] to emerge.

Just as in the early years of the web, business is again racing toward a future entirely different from the one they were designed for – and over the next decade, we will witness a complete transformation of nearly every environment in which companies do business.

The good news? There’s still time to get ahead – but you need to start making decisive tech investments. At a minimum, you need to prioritize the remaining gaps in your digital transformation.

Business leaders need to start building new strategies, explore the potential of new products and services, and train executives on the technologies that will soon be foundational to business.

We stand on a unique precipice.

There are new technologies that we simply MUST embrace, but competing in this next decade will require more than technology, innovation, and skills.

It will demand a true vision of comprehension - a ‘big picture’ outlook - a firm grasp of what these future worlds will look like, and what your business will need to succeed in them.

Technology points us in the right direction, but the rest is up to you.

“97% of South African Executives agree that emerging technologies are enabling their organization to have a broader and more ambitious vision.” ~ Accenture

The future of your business is starting today. Are you ready for it?



About eMSDigital Group

At eMSDigital we believe in doing what we love and loving what we do. This is why we empower our clients daily with the tools, strategies, and guidance needed, to prepare their business for the future. Our passion to help amazing brands prosper - together with our award-winning solutions - has earned us a reputation as a leader in all things ‘digital experience’. If you want to be the envy of your competition, need help moving your B2B business online, or have any questions about creating the perfect digital experience for your customers, we’re just a click away :)

About the Author

Kobus Van Den Berg

Kobus van den Berg is the visionary founder of eMSDigital Group, a global B2B 'Enablement' powerhouse driving revenue growth, elevating CX, and revolutionizing buyer-seller engagement since 2010. Inspired by his wife and son, Kobus is a firm believer in the power of doing ‘good’ business to the benefit of all parties involved, as he strives daily to pursue the elusive balance between work and life. Kobus is a dedicated Espresso enthusiast and master mead-maker, with dreams of retiring on a family wine farm to keep himself busy with the finer things in life.

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