From ABM To ABX [The Future Of B2B]

From ABM to ABX

Account Based Marketing (ABM) is without a doubt one of the most topical growth strategies in the modern B2B marketing space at the moment.

With case studies the likes of Snowflake, where 100% engagement has been achieved across over 1,500 target accounts, the reason for this hype is well justified. Who wouldn’t want to adopt a tactic where you can focus your energy on a smaller number of relevant accounts, whilst boosting the overall results for your business, right?

The question begs, if ABM is such a clear win for business, why isn’t everyone doing it yet?

The short answer. Most companies fall short when it comes to the EXPERIENCE.

And I don’t mean the know-how of their staff. No, I’m referring to their Customer Experience (CX), the very foundation which drives modern marketing.

What is a Customer Experience (CX)? It is the impression your customers have of your brand as they move through the buyers’ journey.

And companies are finally realizing that the experience(s) they provide to customers, is not only the key driver of revenue, retention and satisfaction – but also the thing most likely to set them apart from their competitors.

Now, when we consider that nearly all of these experiences are at least to some degree digital, organizations need to provide the best possible digital experiences to their customers in order to stay competitive.

So, if ABM is a strategy driven by content, which is then served up via personalized experiences (CX) – perhaps a more accurate term, is Account Based Experience (ABX).

But how does ABX impact business?

If you’re ready to focus on the experience (which is key to the survival of any business), then you need to break down the silos!

This means that we need to understand and accept that the customer is no longer owned by sales or by marketing – which has always been a prominent area of conflict in business – but rather by all employees and the company overall.

In the same sense, in order to drive successful ABX in an organization, we need to recognize that this is not a marketing role, but rather, a team role. Or, more accurately, the role of the revenue team.

These revenue teams are usually the result of a closely formulated alignment between Sales and Marketing (often referred to as Smarketing), together with various other relevant business sections – which may include Customer Service, IT and, of course, Management for example.

Only by working closely together towards the same common goal – which should be ‘serving the customer’ – can the balance between content, sales enablement, and technology, truly be achieved.

And when you achieve this trifecta, the future is looking bright.

The future of B2B, is ABX!


About eMSDigital Group

At eMSDigital we believe in doing what we love and loving what we do. This is why we empower our clients daily with the tools, strategies, and guidance needed, to prepare their business for the future. Our passion to help amazing brands prosper - together with our award-winning solutions - has earned us a reputation as a leader in all things ‘digital experience’. If you want to be the envy of your competition, need help moving your B2B business online, or have any questions about creating the perfect digital experience for your customers, we’re just a click away :)

About the Author

Kobus Van Den Berg

Kobus van den Berg is the visionary founder of eMSDigital Group, a global B2B 'Enablement' powerhouse driving revenue growth, elevating CX, and revolutionizing buyer-seller engagement since 2010. Inspired by his wife and son, Kobus is a firm believer in the power of doing ‘good’ business to the benefit of all parties involved, as he strives daily to pursue the elusive balance between work and life. Kobus is a dedicated Espresso enthusiast and master mead-maker, with dreams of retiring on a family wine farm to keep himself busy with the finer things in life.

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